Friday, December 24, 2010


I genuinely like this song:
So when were you planning to tell me?
When did you know it for sure?
That you didn't want my love?
That you didn't need me anymore?

Did you promise to love her forever?
Did you tell her how happy she wouldn't be?
Did she believe all the lies?
Did you tell her about me?

Tears are all that she has now
Now that she has you
You're gonna feel the pain someday
When it comes back to you

Will you remember tomorrow?
How we sleep tonight?
Knowing how you hurt
That what you're doing isn't right

Are you leading her on with your kisses
And words of what could be?
Leaving a flower so
She could fall for all to see

Tears are all that she has now
Now that she has you
You're gonna feel the pain someday
When it comes back to you

The tears, the tears are falling
But your time I know is coming
What you do today
Will come back and you will see 
What it feels like to be in tears

Tears are all that she has now
Now that she has you
You're gonna feel the pain someday
When it comes back to you

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Its My blog! Not Your's!

A blog is a blog for a reason right? Its a place where you can write out your feelings, thoughts, and opinions right? Its a place where you shouldnt be criticized for your thoughts and such. But obviously some people don't understand that concept. This is my out. Out of life for just a while, where I can put thoughts and ideas down somewhere out of my mind. If I want to rant and vent about how bad of a day I've had, that's what I'm going to do. If I want to talk about meeting a great guy, then I will. If i just want to talk about random stuf (why is the sky blue/grass green), then you guessed it- thats whats going to be said.
I'm tired of people being so negative about my life, assuming they know better about my life then I do. I live my life everyday, Other people dont understand my life as I dont understand others. I really dont appreciate the comments. They do nothing. I dont comment on other peoples lives unless they ask. Unless a person wears my shoes, and becomes me, then they dont need to be saying anything negative. All y'all who want to say negative things about MY blog, then y'all need to get off my page!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Total ECLIPSE Of The Heart

Tonight was a Lunar Eclipse brought on by the Winter Solstice! This is the first time in 372 years that they both have fallen on the same day! The next time this will happen is Dec 21st 2094. I'm pretty sure I wont be around to view that, so I wanted to stay up and be a part of history! 
For those who don't know what a "Lunar Eclipse" is, a lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, earth, and moon are all aligned. The earth is directly between the sun and moon, and casts a shadow on the moon. 
I thought it was pretty cool to see it happen. As it was eclipsing, I saw 2 shooting stars! Of course I made wishes =D. I'd say standing out in the cold (45 degrees in central FL is cold) was worth it! The moon turned a really cool red!! It was pretty incredible.
I'm happy I was a part of it, and was able to get my parents to see it also, They came out at the tail end of it, but still better some then none. 

Now I'd say it is finally time for bed!! Good Night all!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

First Things First:

My life is simple at this moment, yet at times, it feels so complicated. The complication I feel is of my own accord. My head is confused on what I want/need out of life, but my heart is even more confused. 2011 will be better than 2010 was. I will do everything I can to make sure of that.
Important people in my life:
My mom: Pamela Cutler-She gave me life, and everyday I appreciate her more. She had me at a young age, and had to endure 48 hrs of labor with me, then had to go through an emergency C-Section. She has been through so much in her lifetime thus far, and I have learned so much from her experiences. Although her and I have not always seen eye to eye, she is still one of my best friends.
My Dad: John Cutler-He may not be my "biological" father,  but he has been there since I can even remember. Every scrape, cut, headache and heartbreak he has been there. Oh boy do he and I fight, feels like everyday we fight, But he will always be there for me no matter what.
My Puppy: Ginger-I'm sure I'll blog about her later lol. She and I will be together for a year on December 28th 2010. She is awesome! Crazy, but she gets that from her momma lol. I swear sometimes she can tell when I'm in a bad mood, sick, heck even in a good mood. When all else seems to be falling apart she reminds me that I cant let sadness/depression take over. I have her to live for and I thank her for that!
Well I hope that let you know a little bit. Tonight is the Lunar Eclipse, and I'm looking forward to seeing it :)
Ta Ta For Now,