Thursday, December 23, 2010

Its My blog! Not Your's!

A blog is a blog for a reason right? Its a place where you can write out your feelings, thoughts, and opinions right? Its a place where you shouldnt be criticized for your thoughts and such. But obviously some people don't understand that concept. This is my out. Out of life for just a while, where I can put thoughts and ideas down somewhere out of my mind. If I want to rant and vent about how bad of a day I've had, that's what I'm going to do. If I want to talk about meeting a great guy, then I will. If i just want to talk about random stuf (why is the sky blue/grass green), then you guessed it- thats whats going to be said.
I'm tired of people being so negative about my life, assuming they know better about my life then I do. I live my life everyday, Other people dont understand my life as I dont understand others. I really dont appreciate the comments. They do nothing. I dont comment on other peoples lives unless they ask. Unless a person wears my shoes, and becomes me, then they dont need to be saying anything negative. All y'all who want to say negative things about MY blog, then y'all need to get off my page!!

1 comment:

  1. keep that positive mind going. you are wonderful, and everything in life will workout for you
